Report: Racial Discrimination in Estonia

The aim of the report was to provide an overview of the situation of dark-skinned people in Estonia, including their experiences of discrimination, harassment, and violence based on skin colour, their meaning and impact.

Find the report here

International Seminar

On March 12 in New Your, a side event was held as part of the 68th session of the UN Committee on the Status of Women. The topic discussed was "Equality bodies and other institutional mechanisms for gender equality during the crises."

Read more HERE

Staying in Estonia

The Estonian state supports Ukrainian war refugees so that they could adapt here quickly and cope on their own until they can return home. Citizens of Ukraine who are already in Estonia and whose visa or other basis for stay has expired or will expire soon may continue to stay in Estonia temporarily. There is no need to apply for or renew the visa.

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Work and family go hand in hand

Do not neglect the balance between your work and family life. We advise entrepreneurs, institutions, and employees on how to balance these two aspects of daily life.

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Find a solution

Find a solution

You are not alone with your concern. Here you will find the answers to the various questions concerning discrimination. We are here to help you.

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Contact us

Contact us

We understand that situations are different. Do not worry if you did not find an answer to your question via website. Communicate with us in a suitable way and we will find a solution together. Send us a letter accompanied by evidence, call us, send us an audio recording or make an appointment – it does not matter how you reach us. The most important aspect is that you will reach us eventually.

Contact us