Christian Veske 1

A discussion held at the Foreign Ministry looked at women’s rights and the situation in Ukraine

A panel discussion titled “Women’s rights are human rights” was held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with Ambassador of Sweden to Estonia Ingrid Tersman, Ambassador of Ukraine to Estonia Mariana Betsa, Member of the Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination of Women Marianne Mikko and Gender Equality and Equal Treatment Commissioner of Estonia Christian Veske. The panellists discussed women’s rights and the situation in Ukraine.

Ambassador at Large for Human Rights and Migration Minna-Liina Lind said that on today’s International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict it is particularly repulsive to see constant reports of brutal and systematic sexual violence committed by Russian armed forces in Ukraine.

 When Estonia welcomes refugees from Ukraine, it makes sure that people who have been subjected to sexual violence can get the necessary help and perpetrators are brought to justice. “Estonia supports the International Criminal Court in Ukraine in investigating war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. Fighting impunity and ensuring complete accountability is crucial for preventing future crimes, including sexual violence in conflict,” Lind said. She also emphasised the need to move forward with establishing a special tribunal that would make it possible to hold Russia to account for the crime of aggression.

 The discussion is available HERE.

Source: Välisministeerium

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