
The InWeGe (Income, Wealth, Gender) project provides an innovative and statistics-based web application primarily for women to allow them to make decisions and better choices in the labour market. The project monitors the gender gap in income and wealth over the life cycle of people with the help of economists, and it also analyses the gender-based differentiation in income and pension assets, focusing on trends dominating in Estonia. The analysis also uses comparative data from other European countries. In particular, women’s wages, assets, and pensions are under examination.   

As a result of the research, a web application for gender differences in income and wealth will be developed. The web application can be used by anyone who wants to make a job-related decision based on the current level of wages (currently prevalent in the market), given one’s educational background, gender, and other data. The interactive tool will raise awareness of gender equality, in particular, on the topic of wages and pensions. 

The use of the web application helps to make the Estonian labour market more open and transparent. It helps women to stand for equal wages and provides them with the means to make different personal decisions when they retire.  Through the web application, the user can compare different situations affecting future personal income and pension outcomes, including when accepting lower wages or leaving the labour market, which profession to choose, etc. The web application helps one better understand the implications of today’s decisions in the future. The service is free of charge.

The two-year InWeGe project included numerous other activities. You can learn about these and the general progress of the project in the Estonian version of the website.