Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct was prepared in cooperation with:
Title page
Dear team member!
You are reading one very important agreement – the promise to care for each other.
It is an understanding, written in collaboration with researchers, employers and employees, of how a modern and supportive team can work to give you more joy at work and less stress in difficult situations. With these principles, we can increase your satisfaction with your work and make the whole society more friendly.
Here you will find instructions on how to behave in difficult situations, even those that require tact.
I hope you will agree with these humane principles, which have been melded into a slightly more formal form for the sake of clarity and unambiguity.
Welcome to a supportive team!
In the Code of Conduct, we have written down the principles and rules that the employer follows in addition to the obligations arising from the Gender Equality Act, the Equal Treatment Act, the Employment Contracts Act, the Public Service Act, the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the Personal Data Protection Act and responsibilities arising from the *.
The Code of Conduct applies to workplace, business trips and also at employer events outside normal working hours and places.
Employee – both an employee under the Employment Contracts Act and an official and other servant working under the Civil Service Act.
Employer – a natural or legal person who provides work on the basis of an employment contract or a contract for the provision of services, as well as a state or local government agency.
Annex to the Rules of Procedure
Code of Conduct in a supportive team
Our values
- We create equal opportunities for all employees and ensure equal treatment.
- Protect our employees from discrimination, harassment and bullying in all employment relationships.
- We refrain from inciting hatred, violence, discrimination, denigrating vulnerable groups or individuals, and justifying and praising illegal activities. It is not permissible to justify war crimes and crimes against humanity, to diminish, justify or ridicule the suffering of the victims of such crimes, as well as incitement to war or other use of force or to internationally accepted principles of democratic order. Dissemination of and support for ideologies justifying such crimes is also prohibited.
- All our employees are valuable, regardless of their mother tongue and nationality. Everyone has the right to peace at work, security and dignity. Discrimination, harassment and bullying of co-workers on the basis of their nationality is prohibited.
- We care about the physical and mental health of our employees and encourage them to report their special needs. In this way, we can create a safe working environment for everyone by sensibly adapting work organization.
- We are always respectful of others, both in our dealings with each other and with our partners, suppliers and customers.
- We refrain from degrading or offensive communication style. Everyone, regardless of their position, has the right to report or inform a co-worker of any disorderly conduct using their actual job titles and / or people’s names.
- We value balanced working relationships based on negotiations and agreements.
- If you have any questions about the Code of Conduct, please use the actual job titles and / or names of the people.
Let's talk about special needs
Disability is a special health need that lasts longer. Disability is the loss or deviation of a person’s anatomical, physiological or mental structure or function, which, in combination with various attitudinal and environmental barriers, prevents them from participating in working life on an equal basis with others. A disability does not have to be defined as a disability and is not always visible to the naked eye. This could be, for example, a long-term mental health problem that prevents you from working. The employer can take the employee’s disability into account if the person has informed the employer of the special needs and restrictions on employment due to the disability.
A special need necessitates a change and adaptation of the work environment and activities for a person. This may be due to a disability, reduced ability to work, but also a temporary or transient medical condition, including a psychiatric or mental spectrum disorder, a mental condition, difficulty communicating, a speech disorder, need to take or receive temporary or regular medication, deviation from normal operation or any other essential need of the staff member arising out of the performance of temporary or permanent family or social obligations.
What should you do if you have a special need?
We encourage you to report your special needs to the extent necessary to adjust or change your work organization or workplace. To do this, contact use real job titles and / or names.
You can decide whether or not to let us know your special needs. When you do this, we will take reasonable account of your special needs in the organization, management and division of tasks. If you have chosen not to report your special needs, we cannot take this into account.
How can we reorganize work?
In cooperation with you, we will reorganize the work organization or workplace to a reasonable and proportionate extent, either temporarily or permanently, so that you can continue working at the workplace with as few changes as possible.
Restructuring work can in some cases be disproportionately burdensome, given the employee’s ability to work and their wishes, as well as the costs of adapting the workplace.
Then we will offer you another job if possible. Making the necessary and reasonable adjustments to the work is not an advantage. In most cases, the whole team wins by reorganizing someone’s work.
How do we protect a worker with special needs from being treated less favourably?
We keep information about special needs confidential. We do not treat employees with special needs less favourably than others and do not discriminate when giving out awards, promotions or in other situations. Coworkers are prohibited from discriminating against, harassing or otherwise mistreating someone with special needs or passing on information about special needs to other people.
How do we keep confidential if you have told your employer about your special needs?
In no event will we disclose any special or sensitive personal information to unauthorized employees or other persons. We process the personal data of employees, especially their health data, in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act.
We protect our employees from discrimination, harassment and bullying in all employment relationships
Discrimination is the less favourable treatment of someone on the basis of a characteristic that the person cannot change on his or her own or that is related to his or her nature. Examples of such characteristics are gender, nationality, colour, race, religion or belief, age, social status, disability, sexual orientation; as well as pregnancy, childbirth or parenthood, family duties or military service, and employee representation.
Harassment is an unwanted or unpleasant repetitive behaviour that creates a humiliating, offensive or hostile environment based on, for example, someone’s gender, race, colour, nationality, religion or belief, age, disability, or sexual orientation. Harassment is a form of discrimination.
Bullying at work is an unwanted or unpleasant repetitive behaviour towards a person that creates a degrading, offensive or hostile work environment. Bullying can take the form of unrealistic workload, constant demand for overtime, degrading work that does not comply with the employment contract, making demeaning demands, using offensive nicknames, unwanted physical contact, ignoring, and so on. Bullying at work can take place either between two employees or in a larger group.
Bullying at work is not when the manager gives daily work orders.
What is considered inappropriate behaviour in an employment relationship?
The basis of our organizational culture is benevolent behaviour that is suitable for a colleague. We encourage employees to say no to unwanted behaviour from the start, by clearly expressing it orally or in writing, for example by sending an e-mail.
Discrimination, harassing and bullying are prohibited in our team. Colleagues who have witnessed inappropriate behaviour or who have been entrusted by an employee with their concerns about bullying or harassment must report it.
For example, unwanted and involuntary physical contact, solicitation or solicitation of sexually explicit services, humiliating or threatening comments, jokes, gestures, messages, drawings, cartoons, videos, nicknames or derogatory names, and malicious disregard for coworkers are prohibited. Such behaviour is prohibited in all forms, including direct communication, telephone conversations and messages, as well as e-mails, social media messages and posts.
We do not discriminate against anyone in making recruitment decisions or arranging work
We do not make any decision as to whether or not to recruit an employee based on whether the employee is a woman or a man, whether she needs to perform family duties or perform military service; what is his/her nationality, colour, race, religion or belief, age, disability, sexual orientation, social background or any other legal requirement, unless the nature of the work so requires.
These conditions apply to all recruitment and organization decisions: processing applications from job candidates, inviting to or refusing to have interviews, concluding a work application, appointing or assigning an employee, assigning or not assigning specific tasks or projects, assigning hours or shifts, granting or depriving employees of benefits in connection with the distribution of work, promoting or refusing to promote an employee, warning an employee, transferring an employee to another job, pay or refuse to pay performance bonuses, general bonuses or additional bonuses, grant or refuse employment benefits, allowing or not allowing the employee to go on holidays or dismissing an employee.
How can you get help?
If you experience or witness discrimination, harassment or bullying, report it immediately to use the actual job titles and/or names.
When using real job titles and / or people’s names the situation the situation must be resolved in a way that you can continue working without interruption.
If the oral request is unsuccessful, please send the complaint in a reproducible manner. If complaining to use the actual job title and / or people’s names has not worked within a reasonable time or the case involves your immediate supervisor, report the situation to his/her superior use the actual job title and / or people’s names.
You always have the right to contact a public authority (such as the Gender and Equality Commissioner, the Labor Inspectorate, the police or the public prosecutor’s office) in the event of discrimination or harassment.
If the use of actual titles and / or names of persons who have been notified of a possible case of discrimination, harassment or bullying has failed to resolve the situation promptly and definitively, he or she shall immediately inform the senior manager or management body use of actual titles and / or names of persons.
File a complaint against the manager / member of the management body with the supervisory board or owner of the company or organization, or in the case of a state agency, with the sectoral ministry that has the right to control the activities of the employer.
We treat all complaints as confidential. We report potential cases of discrimination, harassment or bullying only to the people we need and protect the data and privacy of our victims.
What happens next to the complaint?
If discrimination, harassment or bullying is suspected and the problems in the team cannot be resolved, we will immediately clarify the circumstances with the consent of the complainant. As a result of the investigation, the complainant must be able to continue working without interruption.
The investigation will be conducted by an impartial persons use actual job titles and / or the names of people who are not themselves involved in the case.
In order to avoid conflicts of interest and to maintain trust in the team, the employer may invite an external independent expert to carry out the investigation, who shall confirm in writing that he or she complies with the provisions of this Code of Conduct.
The facts of the case must be clarified as confidentially as possible. The anonymity and dignity of the parties must be protected as far as possible during the investigation. The evidence gathered is also confidential.
The complainant explains what happened to the investigator and provides his/her evidence (letters, SMS, etc.). If necessary, the employee against whom the complaint has been lodged and other employees and people who may have information about the case will be interviewed. Other evidence may also be gathered as appropriate. The investigator shall submit all evidence gathered in the case and the results of the investigation to the employer in writing. On this basis, the employer takes the appropriate measures and informs the complainant of the planned or implemented activities.
What measures are we taking?
If the results of an investigation confirm a case of discrimination, harassment or bullying, we have an obligation to restore a normal working environment. For this purpose, we may talk to the employee, arrange training on the subject, if necessary, warn the employee on the basis of an employment contract or initiate disciplinary proceedings against the official. In the event of a serious violation, we terminate the employment of the employee or dismiss the official.
Prohibition of less favourable treatment
We do not treat badly people who have filed a complaint or participated in an investigation, regardless of the outcome of the investigation. If a staff member considers that he/she has been the subject of any unfavourable treatment because he/she has lodged a complaint with a public authority or assisted in an investigation, he/she must report it use actual job titles and / or names.
How do we communicate in public?
- Freedom of expression is a fundamental right of all of us and one of the cornerstones of a democratic state, and we respect the right of everyone to express their beliefs, attitudes and beliefs, both in private and in public.
- When expressing our views in public, we adhere to our values and refrain from damaging the reputation of our employer.
- We adhere to the employer’s values in matters of employment as well as in the expression of personal beliefs, attitudes and beliefs, and refrain from actions and positions that may damage the reputation of the employer or its customers and partners. We are particularly careful in national, racial, religious or political debates.
- When sharing content in a public space, we make sure that if we are acting as an employer’s representative or for personal purposes. Expressing an opinion on behalf of the employer is only permitted if it is a work-related task.
- It is forbidden to publish, post, comment on, share, post, tag or otherwise link to material that infringes our values (eg, text, photo, video).
- If you find yourself in a situation that is contrary to your employer’s values in public, politely leave the dialogue and, if necessary, inform your immediate supervisor.
- When publishing material in a public space, we follow the obligation of confidentiality, the principles of processing personal data and the copyrights of another person.
We find balance between work and family life
What are flexible employment relationships?
In cooperation, we find an opportunity for every employee, regardless of their position, to work in such a way that their private life needs are also met. We involve employees to set work goals together and evaluate results. We trust our employees to decide independently what the best work process, order of work, pace and way of work is.
Flexible working time arrangements allow the employee to work with the employer to design the start and end of their working day, breaks, shifts, part-time work and / or to share work and apply aggregated working time accounting.
We encourage safe remote working that protects the employee’s health, i.e., working in a place that is suitable for the employee – for example, at home office, cafe, nature, travel.
If you want to organize your work flexibly, please turn to use real job titles and / or names. We will conclude an agreement on flexible work organization in writing.
Reconciling work and family life
We make working conditions reasonably suitable for all team members and encourage the reconciliation of work and family life. Depending on your specific tasks and job, there are different ways to help you balance work and family life.
To reconcile work and family life:
- we allow you to temporarily stop working for family reasons;
- we change the organization of work, for example by allowing flexible or part-time work or, to an agreed extent, remote working;
- we give the employee time off work for urgent family reasons (family member’s illness or accident);
- we give you free time to see a doctor with prior notice;
- we allow you to temporarily stop working for another reason (unpaid leave).
We encourage our employees to report on the needs and challenges of reconciling work and family life. To do this, contact use real job titles and / or people’s names and explain your needs for a work-life balance.
The good health of the employee is important
Everyone is responsible for their own health. A safe working environment and healthy work are very important to us. We encourage and support employees to keep themselves and others healthy.
What happens next to the complaint? What are we doing for mental health?
In addition to the physical work environment, we pay the same attention to the mental environment. In our team, you can always say if you are having a hard time or are in a crisis or feel unable to recover. We encourage employees to turn to use actual job titles and / or names to address their mental health concerns. We also encourage employees to notice and respond to changes in the normal behaviour of colleagues that may indicate mental health concerns. We understand and support the right of colleagues to be different, because the reason for the changed behaviour may be due to a health problem. If you think you have been mistreated for notifying your employer of your mental health concerns, please turn to use real job titles and / or names.
We help a person with mental health problems to: If you feel ill, stay home and tell your employer as soon as possible. Also recommend the same to other colleagues with symptoms. If you have a highly contagious disease that could endanger your co-workers, please inform your employer immediately, if possible. We do not treat badly or stigmatize an employee who has reported or contracted an infectious disease. If the staff member considers that he has nevertheless been ill-treated as a result, he/she must report it to use actual job titles and / or names. Various infectious diseases can occur in the work environment. These may include fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, rash, difficulty breathing, and so on. In case of symptoms: Your doctor will decide if your condition is infectious, give you recommendations for further treatment and will report the infectious disease to the Health Board. We work with the Health Board to find out who has been in contact with you at work. A regular, varied and balanced diet is important for maintaining good health. We encourage you to take meal breaks during working hours and recommend drinking plenty of water. We offer at work: We want all our employees to be physically active. Taking into account the risk factors of our work environment • and • (for physically inactive jobs). Every employee has the right to move up to • minutes per working day (during the period of •)) We offer employees: We have an intolerance of tobacco, alcohol and drugs at work. If necessary, we provide employees with information materials on the prevention of tobacco and alcohol abuse, and organize workplace counselling. If you notice that a colleague is using alcohol or drugs at work, please report it to use real job titles and / or names. We will not treat badly or stigmatize an employee who reports a consumption. If a staff member considers that he/she has been ill-treated as a result, he/she must report it to use real job titles and / or names. We offer reasonable assistance to an employee who has used alcohol or drugs at work or before work. We have alcohol-free events for both partners and employees. The gifts of our establishment do not contain alcohol. Also, alcohol is not for sale at our restaurant. The risk of developing cancer can be significantly reduced by giving up tobacco use and avoiding second-hand smoke, limiting alcohol consumption, avoiding excessive sunbathing, eating a balanced diet and exercising adequately; to be vaccinated against infectious diseases that increase the risk of cancer and to take part in screening tests. From our side: We recommend that workers at risk of infection be considered for vaccination against the following infectious diseases From our side: Vaccine-preventable infectious diseases for which you reduce the risk in the work environment by vaccinating are: Vaccination of domestic animals is important for the prevention of rabies. If you have been bitten by an animal suspected of having rabies, be sure to see a doctor who will decide if you need to be vaccinated. Come to work healthy
What to do in case of symptoms of an acute infectious disease?
Healthy diet
Physical activity
Drug prevention
Cancer prevention and early detection
How to prevent and resolve disagreements and conflicts?
We may not have the same interests, values and views because we are different. However, this does not prevent us from working well together and achieving common goals.
We set clear goals and deadlines for our employees so that there is no confusion about who, what time and what role to play. We ensure that employees are aware of important work information.
We always want to resolve disagreements and conflicts as soon as possible so that they do not sow negativity or lead to greater contradictions.
In order to prevent and resolve disagreements and conflicts, it is important to present your arguments constructively to others and to listen to each other. We avoid anger, irony, insult and raising our voice in communication.
How do we resolve disagreements and conflicts?
If you have a problem with your job, first contact your immediate supervisor and suggest solutions. If verbal communication doesn’t help, send an e-mail to your immediate supervisor.
If this does not solve the situation, please send the information to use real job titles (work environment commissioner, work environment specialist, chief staff officer, member of the work environment council) in a reproducible form. If the case involves your immediate supervisor, report it to your superior / manager use the real names of the office or governing bodies and the names of the people.
For help you can always turn to the Labor Inspectorate or in case of a state agency, the sectoral ministry with the right to control the activities of the employer.
We handle all inquiries confidentially and impartially, without the involvement of any unrelated person. The contacting employee will receive feedback from us on the measures and solutions taken and the follow-up within • weeks of the referral or, if the case is pending, within • weeks of its closure.